29 July 2012

Canola field 2012

The boys and I went to the field again, my friend S join in with her son N..
Here're some of the pictures I photograph today, and I got sun burn on my left arm..
but it's all worth it..
 Just love this photo.. snap hundreds of photos, but only few that I find is nice,,
My boys..

My boy and his buddy, they both tired posing, but I capture this moment and edit the photo..

My friend S and her boy.

28 July 2012

eulogy that written by my niece's

This is the eulogy that written by my niece's Elaine and presented by my nephew Scott in my father memorial service in Calgary.. finally have time to put in together and share..

24 July 2012

五 ‧ 七


23 July 2012

Canola field - Calgary

I took a day off today, to spend some time with my sister before she leaves. I drove to Canola field to snap some pictures with her. I also hired 2 boys, my son and his buddy to pose for my camera..
Here's some pictures that will bring us many returns in future..

02 July 2012

永远懷念爸爸。我爸爸life係 Well Lived.

明天是老斗過身第二個星期,我们也开始resume regular routine..不過心中很想念老斗。
多谢家姐、老公、仔仔互相关懷,慢慢放下放心,因為老斗life係 Well Lived,而佢老人家十分好又善心,一定带走好多公德到另一个極樂世界了,我應该替老斗开心!
In memory of my father, may you be with mother in western paradise..
We missed you!